Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 29, 2010

It's yet another Thursday morning, and I am back at my 'office'; a table in the Main Library of the University of Canterbury. I've had better working situations, but I've also had worse. There's lots of natural light, and the wireless is more-or-less dependable. It also gives me lots of opportunity to people-watch, an activity which provides me with endless entertainment.

I usually work in the library until about 2:00 or so, then go for a coffee ("cup of flat white" as they say here in NZ). Sometimes, Shelley will join me for coffee, but often I'll just take a paper to read. There are several cafe's on campus, but I almost always go to the busiest one; Cafe 101, near the Biology department.

Today, I am trying to finish off a manuscript on leaf litter inputs to streams. This was the first study of my post-doctoral project at UBC, and it is pretty much completed. Shelley reviewed it for me, which was helpful. Just a little writing, and a little more editing, then it'll be ready to go.

There is a man getting a tattoo in the library today, about 20m from where I am sitting. It is Maori Language Week, and he is getting a Maori-style arm tattoo. People stop and watch for a few moments as they walk by, but it is a strangely voyeuristic experience to watch a stranger getting tattooed.

I bought a used road bike this week. I bought it using the website TradeMe (like a NZ version of EBay), and paid $53 for it. It's a fairly old road bike, and needs a little work. Hopefully it'll be worth it. It seems like a good steel frame, although it is a little heavy.

I went climbing this week, for the first time in months. My physiotherapist has told me that I need to start to resume more rigorous physical activity, or my recovery from my neck injury may falter. He's instructed me to start climbing once a week (at least), and so I went to the YMCA wall and did some roped climbing (no hitting the ground, unlike bouldering). I only did some easy climbing (5.9s and 5.10s), but it was fun. I hope to resume swimming as well - if I can get in decent swimming shape by early summer (October) I'm planning on taking surfing lessons. When in Rome...

More later! Take care,



  1. We missed you at breakfast on Monday. :( We went to Van to see Josh before he heads to Japan.

  2. based on your lovely descriptive writing, your complaints of few visitors, and the fact that i miss you all, i have decided that i should come visit. for a mere $1800 i can come see you for 10 days over spring break. it's not long, and i will need at least $180 of entertaining activities each day (more i suppose, when travel time is factored in), but i still think it's a good deal.

    so, hmmm. thoughts?
