Sunday, February 6, 2011

These photos will have to tide you over...

Rain, sun, wind and more rain

Well, the weather continues to be unsettled thanks to cyclonic systems in the southern hemisphere. We have gone from torrential downpour to 36 and sunny, to windy Nor'westers, and back to torrential rains. Tomorrow? Sunny, of course!

We had an interesting weekend....
lets see - we'll start with bad news:

our washer is broken and needs to be fixed

Someone "knocked" our bumper when we were parked downtown. Thankfully, she left us a note (in smudged eye-liner, it took a few wrong numbers before we found the culprit!). Luckily, noone was hurt, and the car still works. Now we get to figure out how insurance works here (luckily she has some, as it isn't mandatory here!). The damage isn't so bad, but bad enough we want to get it fixed, as it will affect the resale value of our car, which we will be selling when we return to North America!

We are still waiting to get our 'bond' (ie damage deposit) back from our old place

Our much delayed new credit cards finally showed up - the day after I cancelled them and ordered new ones.

the interesting / good news:

Trent helped our neighbours (a young brother and sister from Borneo) move out into their new flat (a converted shed? or garage?). This isn't so unusual, Trent is a helpful guy. What is unusual is (1) I have never met anyone from Borneo before, and (2) they asked him if he could help them by renting a trailer and towing it full of stuff to their new place at 8 pm the day they were moving...a little last minute! Now we will see who moves in!

I have excellent vision, despite my "rugby ball" shaped eyes. My left eye isn't as good as my right, but I can see fine. This is the conclusion of a very lengthy eye exam, my first in , oh 20+ years. I have been having tired, sore eyes lately, and had finally admitted to myself that I was getting old and needed reading glasses, but apparently I am as youthful as I like to believe (or at least my eyes are!). I just need to quit working at a computer so much...hmm, my Dr. did reccommend a holiday...

That is all the news. I keep meaning to post photos of our new place, and hope to do so soon!

love shelley